Marlow Open Water Swim Club – TRAINING SESSION WITH RICHARD STANNARD THIS Mon 23 June at 6pm
A reminder of our open water swim mini masterclass TOMORROW, Monday 23 June from 6pm. This is our first members only training session for the Marlow Open Water Club and will be taken by Richard Stannard. You can take part in this training session by joining the club tomorrow prior to 6pm.
Membership is £30 per annum and includes:
- subsidised entry (£4) to Little Marlow and each of the other lakes involved
- monthly open water swim coaching – including two sessions at Little Marlow with World Champion Richard Stannard – including our Monday 23 June session
- training programs
- swimming distance challenges
- interclub friendly competitions
- ASA membership and insurance
- AND much more!
To join the Marlow Open Water Swim Club, and be part of this coaching session, please complete the this FORM and print it off (or forms will be available at the lake) and bring it with you to your lake with either cash or cheque (made out to Openwaterclubs) for £30.
For more information, please come down and talk to us at Little Marlow.